RF and Antenna Design

Freespace Solutions provides electromagnetic consulting and design services to industry and defence in the areas of:

  • Antenna and antenna array design and manufacture, 
  • Beamforming and direction finding systems and algorithms,
  • Active and passive radar and electronic warfare systems.

Freespace Solutions has extensive experience designing and manufacturing passive beam forming networks, antenna and antenna arrays in the frequency range of 3 to 100 GHz. Some examples of this work include:

  • Broadband Rotman lens operating from 5 to 20 GHz and 30 to 40 GHz.
  • Broadband antenna designs covering 6 to 18 GHz and 30 to 40 GHz
  • 144 element dual polarised Vivaldi array designs covering 5 to 20 GHz.
  • 16 element, dual polarised, electronically steered, two dimensional operating at 60 Hz array
  • 16 x 100 element, conformal, cylindrical, fixed beam array operating at 76.5 GHz  
  • Fixed beam, 3 x 16 element, 9 GHz, edge coupled patch array with -35 dB sidelobes for marine radar

Freespace Solutions has also developed extensive experience in the area of active RF system design, measurement and evaluation. This experience includes:

  • Integrated 60 GHz WiFi transceiver in SiGe
    • 60 GHz receiver front end
    • 18 GHz vector modulator
    • 18 GHz to 54 GHz frequency tripler
    • 60 GHz LNA with 7 dB NF
    • Down conversion mixer, RF 60 GHz, IF 9 GHz and 15 dB NF
    • 60 GHz IQ generator
    • Passive device characterisation and models including capacitors, inductors, and transmission lines
  • 76.5 GHz FMCW radar altimeter
  • Numerous mm-Wave Radar and electronic warfare systems